Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bratz Play Sports Do You Think That Barbie And Bratz Should Be Banned?

Do you think that barbie and bratz should be banned? - bratz play sports

I mean anerexic Barbie teaches young girls, with a girly girly and keep the roles of the sexes, the money must as u breathe sepnd. I have also heard that one of the reasons why I do not slight the Islamic extremists is for them to Western influence in Islamic countries, including barbies.On Barbie have another aspect of the many race travels, friends of different races, to help the world, only 1 BF and animals. Barbie is also made of plastic, which is very dangerous for the environment.

As for the new Bratz FSO come every day, twice, to teach girls to become the farewell consoius lifestyle fashion and popular with the girls to grow rapidly (in his youth), and live to shop and to mock umpopular or ugly girls. Furthermore, all features.They realistic things like expensive cars, expensive clothes, etc. etc.They also teach girls beuty and is in fact a form of Barbie. But atleast the sport Bratz.
I know what my sis lovess two.


twilight... said...

Perhaps Barbie dolls should be a little heavier and not so skinny.And Bratz .... God, I hate think they should feel that they must not only banned.I Tweak little.The they should have the Bratz boyfriend.not 1 "shopping" all decisions time.stop Babymode stupid trash. Be friends with those who say that are too unpopular girls.When friends with the unpopular girls, I think that some girls wear glasses, braces, or as a little girl:)

momof4 said...

Prohibited, no. But why should we even your child a doll, Bratz consider buying, I have no idea ....

I like the Groovy Girls dolls.

jennifer w said...

My daughter is 8 and I will also continue to make to him play with dolls Barbie and Bratz. Me and all my friends have played Barbies together and none of us, eating disorders, I do not think my daughter by the way your wrist is really stupid.
If this is your way of thinking, then you should not try, every business, the advertising made? I equate the model super thin with an eating disorder, and real life to be thin with a doll in real life.

clh07110... said...

My daughter is 2, and let him play with dolls as you want, including Barbie and Bratz. I think the dolls help to build their imagination. Yes, I know that realistically they never look like Barbie, but his father, I can be sure to be creative, but keep the ideals of a realistic body image and friendships too.

Should it be banned? NO.

Kaci said...

Barbie does not teach "anything. He is a doll. In any case, it is society that a young girl helps to take crazy ideas that belong to the shopping center, money from your rich man, but to be very thin.

The Bratz dolls are something that I am not very familiar, but the dolls, which I see in the store seem harmless.

If you teach your daughter a positive image of themselves and do what he wants in life and how to get what one from a man that wants to buy for them ... should be no problem.

Good luck with your sister ...

onlyme... said...

My daughter is 9 and I have no problem with Barbie, the Bratz dolls and these unhappy children, I mean, what kind of monsters are coming, is a baby in her underwear bikini and short skirts? I do not buy Bratz for my daughter also receive a gift. It bothers me because I tell people to stop buying them, but still.

I'm bored said...

It is not forbidden, but if you do not buy it.

People need choice and that's a good thing.

I think that Barbie is now a staple in society. It has been 50 years already and now believe it was the test of time and remain with all means.

I have never and will never miss a Bratz for my children or anyone. I do not think a child should have a doll that looks like a prostitute on the street 42nd

Petra said...

I would never for a ban on all products, but I think that's where parents should pay more attention to news that toys, movies, music and more. Mark on impressionable children. For my part, not always loved Barbie, but my 7 years old, she loves it, so take this as an opportunity to show him about life, career, career and everything. Up Bratz could not find something good about them so I decided not a toy to play with my daughter.

Petra said...

I would never for a ban on all products, but I think that's where parents should pay more attention to news that toys, movies, music and more. Mark on impressionable children. For my part, not always loved Barbie, but my 7 years old, she loves it, so take this as an opportunity to show him about life, career, career and everything. Up Bratz could not find something good about them so I decided not a toy to play with my daughter.

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